Page 13 - Manchester Mind Annual Report 2021-2022
P. 13
As fundraisers set off to complete their incredible challenges, through many simple acts we build a positive relationship, and this connection provides the motivation to keep going, with a deep sense of solidarity and pride as the finish line approaches.
We receive a lot of feedback saying how much supporters value our communications and thank you certificates, and this ripples out.
This is hugely important to us and it has been reassuring but also joyous to see people finding hugely creative things to do to raise money whilst in lockdown, but also how much it meant to people to gather together again for outside events.
Everything is connected whether that is internally
and externally and we understand how important
it is to promote what we do and the impact of our work but also to put out information that can benefit the wider population and that happened this year with our campaign on the Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) tram network...
Annual Review 2021-22