Page 26 - Eco-Schools Impact Report 2022-2023
P. 26

Rushcliffe Spencer Academy,
Rushcliffe For several years Rushcliffe Spencer Academy
e  yea ool yea Ac ch  be ool-b engagement, enthusiasm, and impacts continue
ch of ch of hool to  ch  re s  ch of hool s wi trees with landscape architects, promoting
plant-based options with their trust’s catering
operations manager, or discussing world issues
a r
d s u r
c e c ’ e tio ng  erm  i e c ’ e   r
y   e ity an ti m as   acad eir m as   acad  acad l bou mu ow st, al END Sc ree Sc oo  of
the Y ar:
March ank  END Sc ree Sc ol,
Darlin ton
S aff mem er  at March ank  ree Sc ool are
incred bly p ou or  of t eir s all co ou or  o  50
chil en, who  ave wo ked collaborati ely
ac oss cla se  to imp ove our environ nt,
buil ing t eir own skil ui se ing  in the pro ss.
Th nk  to pup l’s eff ts, Marchba k’s gro nds e a  ple
ave be s r
d o   l a n l e a h s e ven for wild fe, y ung pe e a  o   a n l n n e e a ren wed f cu ve  on t eir own he lth
ng, ure and wellb lth
ng, ure and ever one has  een  bl  to n n e o t u n e m m a connec tion  ith na ng, ure and  ake  eal
owner hip  ver t eir immed ate surround gs.
t’s c ear  hat pu me r  il si  at March ank are incred bly
passio ate a out protec ting our pl et, and hey  ave channe led  bly
pas his pas ion  nto t eir
ama ing Eco-Scho ls’ w 

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