Page 3 - Community Integrated Care Annual Review 2023
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Annual Review 2023
    2023 was an extra special year, as it also marked Community Integrated Care’s 35th birthday. In 1988, our charity was founded by Dr David Robertson, and led the way for societal change with the vision of creating more inclusive communities. I’m proud that in the many decades since, we’re staying true to our founding mission; continuing to push boundaries and delivering transformative support that enables people to lead lives full of choice and opportunity.
In honour of this milestone, we launched a special edition of You First magazine, celebrating some of the most inspiring people and events from our charity’s rich history – you can read it here.
Of course, whilst we celebrate our successes, we mustn’t ignore the considerable challenges that we continue
to face as a sector. More broken promises and diluted plans from Government has meant that social care is still grappling with the issue of low pay, meaning providers are unable to pay their colleagues fairly for the work they do.
Throughout 2024, Community Integrated Care will continue to campaign for a fairer social care sector, for those drawing upon care and support, their loved ones and families, and for the 1.6 million talented and passionate people who make up our workforce.
Our message is clear: in order for us to continue to deliver a lifeline to the millions of people who rely on
our support, our sector needs greater investment, fairer funding and a clear workforce strategy. These asks are long overdue, and it is essential that they shift into action.
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A Fond Farewell
I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to our outgoing Chair of our Board of Trustees, Libby Raper, who will be stepping down from this role in March 2024, after a remarkable five years with our charity.
Within her tenure, Libby has made an enormous impact, leading Community Integrated Care through many of
its achievements. From playing a key role as architect
of our Best Lives Possible plan to advocating for our colleagues and the people we support to be at the heart of everything we do, Libby’s progressive vision and ambition has been a real driving force. She departs with our sincerest gratitude for her magnificent contribution to Community Integrated Care and best wishes for the future.
We will also say farewell to Carolyn McConnell, our Chief Quality and Risk Officer, in early 2024 and are grateful for everything she’s achieved since joining Community Integrated Care. Social care is a complex operating environment and during her time with us, Carolyn has established robust frameworks to ensure that as a charity, we are well-run and well-governed, whilst still able to deliver support that truly changes people’s lives. We're pleased to have now welcomed Jemima Burnage into this role, and you can read more about this on page 17.
However you contribute to our charity, whether you’re a person supported, colleague, a family member or a professional partner, as we head into 2024, I look forward to delivering the next chapter of our charity’s proud history together.
Jim Kane
Chief Executive Officer, Community Integrated Care

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