Page 2 - Community Integrated Care Annual Review 2023
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 This year, we’ve asked Tauseef Iqbal, a person we support in Stockport, to open our Annual Review and reflect on his achievements from 2023.
Hello everyone, I’m Tauseef, I’m 37 years old and I live at York House, a Community Integrated
Care service in Stockport - I moved here around four years ago.
For me, 2023 was a special year, as I had the opportunity to take part in once-in-a-lifetime events across the country, thanks to my role as an Inclusive Volunteer®.
One of my favourite hobbies is watching
and playing different sports, so being
able to attend tournaments like the World Taekwondo Championships and the World Gymnastics Championships has been super exciting! To prepare for my volunteering role, I had the chance to try lots of new things, such as starring as a TV presenter, and discover new skills like photography. It is brilliant that events like these will be even more accessible and inclusive in the future because of my involvement – read more about our Inclusive Volunteering® programme on page 32.
And it’s not just sports! In December, I also had the opportunity to travel to London and speak at an event in Parliament, sharing my experience with MPs and other decision- makers. I was proud to give an insight into my life and tell them just how much my team at York House mean to me - you can read more about this on page 31.
In 2024, I’m excited to meet new people, continue to grow my confidence
and become involved in even
more exciting projects.
to our
Alongside Tauseef,
it is my pleasure
to introduce this publication which
brings to life the
efforts and successes
of everyone at Community Integrated Care throughout last year.
In January 2023, I had the privilege of being formally appointed as Chief Executive of this remarkable charity, after spending three years as Chief Financial Officer. Within these past 12 months, I’ve truly loved having the opportunity to spend time with our colleagues, teams and the people we support in
our services, witnessing everything that makes our organisation so special. Throughout this Annual Review, you’ll see a snapshot of how brilliant things can happen when people with shared values, vision and passion come together.
After a change of leadership, the launch of a new five-year plan and the reverberations of the pandemic, for Community Integrated Care, 2023 was a year of resetting, restoring, and remaining determined to deliver our promises.
We’ve put significant effort into strengthening
and stabilising our charity’s core – making great progress against our Best Lives Possible strategy by investing in the quality of our services, continuing to champion our colleagues, and creating empowering communities.

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