Page 25 - Community Integrated Care Annual Review 2023
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 Annual Review 2023
 Leading by example
In an everchanging sector, we’re committed to supporting our leaders to gain new insights, share best practice and harness valuable skills from across our workforce. During 2023, our LEAD training programme has continued to provide specialist learning opportunities
for operational managers – touching on key topics like recruitment, care and support planning and quality.
of attendees said the sessions left them feeling better prepared and confident in their roles.
   In October, we developed a comprehensive new LEAD workshop, hosted by members of our Executive Team across eight regional sessions. These interactive events aimed to upskill leaders on areas such as quality frameworks, business development, evidence and feedback.
The event welcomed a record-breaking 315 charity leaders, covering 5 regions.
      Empowering future leaders
Our Learning & Development team are experienced in developing homegrown talent and guiding our Support Workers to flourish into frontline leaders.
Our Learn to LEAD programme welcomes aspiring Service Leaders to apply for an intensive coaching and training programme where they can equip themselves with the skills, knowledge and behaviours it takes to begin their leadership journey. This initiative has been successfully delivering the next generation of Service Leaders for the charity since 2022 – with 13 promotions resulting from the programme so far!
From September 2023, we welcomed a new cohort of aspirational leaders to the Learn TO LEAD programme, after receiving
214 applications
(an increase of 77% since 2022
58 successful candidates completed the full programme in 2023 now inspired to explore their career potential at Community Integrated Care.
Learn to LEAD has
been amazing for me and
boosted my confidence
massively! I’ve been part
of things in work that I
wouldn’t have dreamt of doing
before and it's really helped me
expand my own knowledge and experience. The facilitators have been so supportive and check in to see how I’m doing all the time. I've really enjoyed being part of the programme and I'm so excited about my future career in social care!
Owen Handley,
Support Worker and Learn to LEAD 2023 Graduate

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