Page 125 - Sigmaroc Annual-Report 2023
P. 125

 TCFD Report
The Board has noted the new requirement for mandatory climate-related disclosures arising from the Companies (Strategic Report) (Climate-related Financial Disclosure) Regulations 2022. Consequently, we provide disclosures aligned with the recommendations issued by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in this Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023.
This report is based on the TCFD recommendations and recommended disclosures as detailed in Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (2017), considering the additional guidance set out in the TCFD 2021 Annex, ‘Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures’.
We recognise that climate change presents both material risks and opportunities to our business and sector. Accordingly, the following report covers the Group’s well-established governance of climate change issues, its integration into our overall risk management processes, our strategies for managing climate-related risks and opportunities, and relevant metrics used to measure progress towards our climate targets. We have prepared this report with the support of external sustainability consultants, CEN-ESG, who have enhanced the analysis of our exposure to natural hazards with a detailed bottom-up site analysis using a geospatial climate hazard mapping tool.
This report is based on the structures and operations in place on 31 December 2023. Given the agreement with CRH plc to acquire its European lime operations, we have decided that any detailed quantification of our key climate-related risks and opportunities will be published in next year’s annual report to accommodate the significant transformation to the business from the acquisition.
Board level
At SigmaRoc, climate-related governance has been well-integrated for several years. The Board has overall responsibility for sustainability issues including climate- related matters, and effective management of climate- related risks and opportunities as with all matters of Group strategy. The Board meets quarterly, and ESG, including climate-change, is a standing agenda item at all these meetings, with updates on climate-related issues presented by the Chief Technical Officer (CTO) who sits as a permanent guest at board meetings. Additionally, the Board considers climate-related issues, especially CO2 emissions, when reviewing and guiding strategy, major plans of action, policies, annual budgets, and business plans as well as setting the organisation’s performance objectives, monitoring implementation and performance, and overseeing major capital expenditures, acquisitions, and divestiture. The Board is supported by committees including the Audit Committee, which assists in monitoring ESG performance and climate-related risks.
In 2023, the development of science-based targets and the Road Map to Net Zero has been a particular focus of Board meetings, and now drives the management of climate-related risks and opportunities through review of carbon emissions. The Board is responsible for approving TCFD disclosures and is also responsible for reviewing
and signing off the risk register, including risks related to the environment and climate change. The Board does not currently receive formal training from third parties on climate-related issues, but receives information provided by the CTO and other members of the Group when required.
To ensure appropriate visibility over climate change is maintained as operations continue to expand, in 2024 SigmaRoc will seek to appoint a new non-executive director with a strong background in ESG and climate change.
Furthermore, a dedicated ESG Committee has been formed, including Independent Board and Executive Board members and the CTO, who will meet throughout the year when the quarterly ESG & Climate Change Working Group Report will be presented.
Management level
At the direction of the Board, the Chief Technical Officer is assigned responsibility to assess, monitor and manage climate-related risks and opportunities alongside Group- level risk management. The Executive Committee meets monthly and the CTO is responsible for updating the Committee on climate-related issues and other ESG initiatives. The CTO is informed via ongoing dialogue with the managing directors from each of the business units, who monitor and report on general risks, strategic projects and operations, including climate-related issues, as necessary.
Each business unit is also responsible for monitoring and feeding back the key aspects to be reported as defined by permits, legislation and frameworks. Data collection and monitoring is done through online process control systems, purchase orders, consumption meters etc. This includes statutory (e.g NOx and SOx), and non-statutory aspects such as land, power and water use. The data is collated through group wide tools such as OneClick LCA.
Following the recent agreement to acquire CRH’s European lime business, SigmaRoc is currently recruiting a Group Sustainability Manager who will be responsible for collating climate and ESG data, monitoring performance, overseeing climate-related projects, and educating across the Group on climate-related issues. The Group Sustainability Manager will also create and lead an ESG & Climate Change Working Group with representatives across all operational regions, who will meet quarterly to review progress across the Group, and subsequently prepare and provide quarterly updates and reports to the Board and ESG Committee.

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