Page 12 - Eco-Schools Impact Report 2022-2023
P. 12

a d pl nt life Pupils that  on their sch ol site. A green r s tur te help  to ca r s tur  carb n,
o  a ffs 1. t emi sions  nd c r pl e a e a nic nd c r pl ce to le rn.
The r s p r n le ta s have  een crea ed
o  mai tained  n  t y.
rder to su er o  po t
bio iv rsity.  his might in ude eadow , wildfl ower or
ewilding a y.
ea rewilding areas.
bird houses, bat boxes,
hedgehog homes, bird baths
, bi been created/installed.
1  15
ponds have been created/installed.
to s ppor  insects  (ie.
bug bug hotels, log and leaf piles).
ani l f eders (f r bi ds, or example) have  14  7,253
ral e ,
te por 

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