Page 30 - Community Integrated Care Annual Review 2023
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We want to empower the people we support to
be the true leaders of our charity and to influence important decisions on their own care and support. Understanding peoples' needs and ambitions, and amplifying their voices, has been a key focus for 2023.
More voice, more choice
It's been an exciting year for our Voice Groups, which were rolled out to all of our regions following a successful pilot in the South. This platform provides a safe space
for people supported to get together – developing meaningful relationships and confidence in the process. Most importantly, it offers people the opportunity to share their experiences and recommendations to improve our service delivery.
I’ve been a Quality Advisor for
seven years. I’ve met so many people at
Voice Groups. They have told me about
themselves, and this has helped us to
learn so much about what’s important to
people. Voice Groups enable us to help the
people we support.
Dan Callaghan, North West Quality Advisor
During October and November 30 people attended Voice Groups across 5 regions!
Led by Quality Advisors, people employed by our charity who have first-hand experience of social care, alongside members of our Quality team, Voice Groups happen in-person and virtually – to ensure they are as accessible and inclusive as possible.
During 2024, we will continue to host regular Voice Groups, working alongside members to understand how we can better advocate for the rights of the people we support, increase person-centred
opportunities, co-produce our future and achieve our Best Lives Possible vision together.
Creating Communities that Empower
Voice Groups

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